Confidentiality and Security

We have a commitment to our customers to ensure the excellence of our services and, especially, the security of their registration data. Therefore, we work with advanced technologies and rely on the competence of several professionals, who value the security of our entire system, providing you with an excellent shopping experience. We work with strict privacy policies in all our processes, ensuring that your registration data will never be sold, exchanged, or disclosed to third parties, except when this is a condition for some process related to delivery, billing, or participation in promotions - provided that this is requested by the customer. In these cases, your personal data is fundamental for your order to arrive with assertiveness and safety at the delivery address.

Stay tuned!

So that your data remains intact, we advise you not to share your passwords with third parties, even if they are friends or relatives. DeSurf never sends e-mails asking for your personal data (payment / registration information), nor requesting download or execution of files, such as: extension exe, com, src, bat, among others. If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Service Center at [email protected].


Cookies Policy

The main internet browsers allow the client to manage the use of cookies on its machine. Our recommendation is that you keep your cookie saving turned on. This way you can use all the personalized navigation features offered by DeSurf, but if the customer does not agree, it is possible to disable this function.

To remove Cookies or Cache follow the procedures indicated by the manufacturers* for each browser:

Google Chrome: (
Firefox: (
Firefox: (
Safari: (
Opera: (

General Observations:
The update and correct provision of data to DeSurf at the time of registration on our site are the sole responsibility of the customer. If you wish, you can cancel your registration by contacting our Customer Service Center at [email protected], . With the constant evolution of the business model, DeSurf reserves the right to change this privacy policy at any time. At any time, you can ask questions about our privacy policy through our Customer Service Center.

Operations of Third Party Sites and Shops

We are not responsible for the privacy policy or content present on partner/third party sites. Our privacy policy does not apply to any third-party sites.